New Nursery School In Turin – Monfalcone Street “il pesciolino”

The settlement area is located on Via Monfalcone, next to the former Maria Consolatrice Institute, which was enlarged in 1956 to a design by Giorgio Raineri. The kindergarten will host about 75 children and will rise in the free area located next to the church belonging to the same complex. The building is aligned on the street (where it rises to two floors above the ground) and generates a protected internal space, around which the classrooms and services are located. The main entrance is placed on Via Monfalcone at a higher level than the internal floor and it’s close to the vertical distribution core consisting of stairs and elevator. A further entrance is located in the courtyard which is always accessed from the road, near an existing driveway. The internal courtyard has a covered part and is characterized by large windows and metallic paneling in bright colors.

The front-facing Via Monfalcone is divided horizontally, the lower part is made of exposed brick and alludes, with some decorations, to the characteristics of the extension of the school structure designed by Giorgio Raineri; the upper part, slightly protruding, has a lighter appearance guaranteed by a colored corrugated sheet metal coating and is protected by and overhanging roof partly supported by metal brackets.

Towards the existing church, the new complex has two large brick walls arranged diagonally so as to dialogue with the side entrance of the church and at the same time to invite to the entrance. The roof is completely walkable and dedicated to children’s play. A system of paths, ramps, and walkways makes it possible to connect all the spaces on the first floor, both internal and external, to each other. Following the distribution and architectural needs, the plan accidentally assumed, during the project, the iconic image of a “fish”, which then finally gave the name to the nursery school.

Project team

Architectural project: Derossi Associati (Arch. Davide and Paolo Derossi)

Structure: Eng. Mario Alessio, Eng. Giorgio Chiambretto.

Installations: Eng. Flavio Urrai, Eng. Alberto Richiero.



